our story
purposeful activities for older adults
John Lopez is the creator and developer of the CogworxABC activity program. He has made it his life’s work to provide purposeful activities for older adults. After graduating with a degree in Therapeutic Recreation from the University of Southern Mississippi, his first job was working at an Acute Psychiatric Residential hospital. It was there he discovered his passion for working with older adults. While working in a variety of areas in the field of recreation, John was able to see on a daily basis some of the issues that are concerning to older adults.
Then it became personal. Accepting the responsibility of becoming a caregiver for his mother, he witnessed his mother progress from being independent to the need for residence in a Long-Term Care facility. Working full time, and having his own family responsibilities kept John from providing what he perceived as a need for his mother and other elders in the care continuum. Purposeful activities. After seeing firsthand the progression of the decline that happens to many older adults, John used his experience and knowledge in recreation to make a difference.
He made a decision that since he wasn’t in a position to provide those needed activities for his mother, he would give something back not only as a homage to his mother but to all of our parents. Drawing on his twenty five years of experience as an Activity Therapist and Recreation Program Supervisor he developed the CogworxABC activity program. This is his vision, to help address the needs of activity professionals in providing quality programming.